How Do You Use Your Tablet Computer?

September 9, 2015

This article was originally emailed as our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 09/09/2015. You can view older eBulletins here and register to receive them monthly.



The growth of tablet use may have slowed but manufacturers are still selling more than 200 million units a year. We all know that tablet computers present major postural issues and that duration and frequency of use are significant factors. As more and more sophisticated apps appear and greater system integration takes place, it is easy to slip into a ‘dump the laptop’ mentality and find new ways to use the more portable tablet instead. If you are a tablet user (for work or pleasure), please take part in our survey – and you could win a tablet kit consisting of a TabletRiser & Bluetooth mini keyboard. We shall be giving away five sets to randomly selected participants when the survey ends on November 30, 2015.


Festive banquet table with celebrate food in restaurantThis is your last chance to book for our next Bristol event entitled Mobile Generations – the HR Tsunami. The changing demands of millennials entering the workplace have raised many questions about the nature of employment and the role of the workplace. Jim Taylour, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at Orangebox, will talk about his latest research and I shall outline ideas to address the issues raised. Find out more and book your free place here. Don’t delay: we only have a few places left!


Tired brown haired pregnant woman sitting at the desk with hand on her belly and hand in hair while looking away.

Over the years, we have provided lots of guidance and products to improve posture and comfort for pregnant women. With a mum-to-be and a dad-to-be on the staff at the moment, it seemed opportune to draw this knowledge together into a single resource. Our new, downloadable Pregnancy Pack document provides no advice about getting pregnant but offers lots of ideas for those who are! You will find the pdf here.


HeaderImage08-2015Our new Mboard 870 is the ideal Bluetooth keyboard if you want to work with a laptop, tablet and smartphone in rapid succession, and it can actually operate with up to eight devices. When we announced it in last month’s eBulletin, we offered a free one to the first person who could send us a photograph of eight Bluetooth devices which could be connected to it. Despite a few promises, we have not yet received any pictures (perhaps you all have work to do!). If you can meet the challenge, just send us a photograph of the eight devices you want to connect.


er60vanYou may have noticed that we have ‘ERG’ registrations on most of our vehicles and you may know that one of our vans is registered ‘ER60NOM’. (For overseas readers, UK registrations can be purchased, subject to availability, but have to meet specific format guidelines). With another new van at the start of this month, we needed to continue the theme. ‘ER60VAN’ was the answer. Sometimes people ask about my fascination with registration numbers. It dates back to 1975 when I bought ‘312 GUY’  for £10. Since then it has been transferred on and off about twenty different cars!