Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin April 2024

April 16, 2024

This article was originally emailed as issue 173 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 11/04/2024. You can register here to receive them monthly.


I’m taking a bit of a liberty here with a personal request but it’s the first time in nearly 15 years of eBulletins so I’m going to take a chance and hope you’ll allow it! This year, I’m raising money for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity. This is a brilliant organisation that provides practical, emotional and financial support for serving military personnel, veterans, and their families in their time of need. I know that many people fundraise by doing physically demanding challenges like the Three Peaks or jumping out of an aeroplane. My brother, Mark, and I will be taking a less strenuous approach by driving an Aston Martin to Gibraltar and back. The most demanding test of stamina will be whether the air conditioning can cope with the summer heat in Spain and Portugal. However, I hope you will consider this request on the merit of the cause rather than the nobility of our effort! Obviously, Mark and I are paying our own way and we ask for any donations to be made straight to SSAFA via our donation page. All contributions, large or small, are most welcome. If you would like to make your donation more interactive, I am happy to discuss making myself and the car available for events such as weddings or proms, or just a ride (or maybe even a drive, subject to insurability). Contact me directly to explore options and availability.



Many thanks if you have already listened to one or more of my podcasts. The project is still a work in progress but the general format seems to be working and I’m having so much fun! There is something extraordinarily satisfying about a sit-down chat with somebody really knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what they do. We have had over 60 podcast name suggestions but there has still not been a ‘Eureka! This is it!’ moment. In fact, several people have now said “Why not use ‘As Yet Untitled’ permanently!”. If we do that, we shall provide some consolation prizes because we promised an Amazon voucher. Take a look (and listen) – the first six recordings are here.


basicsIf you follow us on social media, you will know that we aim to highlight the latest trends and thinking around workplace wellbeing in general, not just physical ergonomics. The other day, whilst reviewing our recent activities, it occurred to me that someone encountering us for the first time might not even realise we sell chairs … and desks … and keyboards … and mice … and monitor arms … and footrests! To correct this, we have introduced a weekly Back to Basics posting for the next five months. These will show short video clips of simple posture and setup information relating to good workstation ergonomics. Watch out for the postings or binge-watch all the videos here!



I know I have referred to this in the last two eBulletins but there really does seem to be a lot going on this year. Attending as many events as I do puts some stress on my office workload but there are too many workplace-related conversations going on to miss out at the moment. If you are attending any of these events in April and May, let me know and we can try to meet.

Workplace Trends Research Summit – London, 18.04.24.
CIEHF Ergonomics & Human Factors Conference – Kennilworth, 22-24.04.24.
Ergochair Charity Golf Day – Bristol 25.04.24.
The Workplace Event – NEC, 30.04-02.05.24.
Leading Continuous Change – London, 08.05.24.
Reward Gateway Summit – London, 15.09.24.


circularFor project work, we now have two approaches to sustainable furniture supply. If you have been watching my personal LinkedIn postings, you will know that our associate company, MSA Manufacturing, is active in the design and manufacture of 3D printed products – more about that soon. Alongside this, we now offer a range of repurposed and remanufactured seating and furniture. All products have already had a full life and are then lovingly restored for another owner. Contact me to explore this conversation further.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin March 2024

April 3, 2024

This article was originally emailed as issue 172 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 14/03/2024. You can register here to receive them monthly.


Earlier this month, we met up with a diverse mix of professionals to explore the nature and future of workplace wellbeing. We chose Worcester College, Oxford as a unique venue in a ‘not-London’ city and drew delegates from all over the country. The format and content were very different from our previous events and we were privileged to have Andy Lake, Dr Nigel Oseland and Rosie Russell as our key speakers. I am also most grateful to Steven Howe and Twyla Howse of Bakker Elkhuizen for their sponsorship. The presentations prompted animated discussion throughout the day, including during the lunchtime walk around the lake. I really enjoyed myself and have a number of ideas for the structure and content of future events – watch out for details of our next one in London which we are already discussing. Ultimately, though, it’s not about what I thought of it. It’s about delegate satisfaction. The feedback survey has only just gone out and more than a third of participants have already responded. What did they think? The overall event score so far is 97%. I think they liked it too!



With six recorded and the next three guests lined up, we have now established a rhythm and format that seems to have momentum (although it’s still a work in progress). We also have some contenders for the podcast name but we still don’t (yet) have ‘the one’! We shall be making a final decision during March so this is your last chance to make a suggestion and win an Amazon voucher. In the meantime, our March guest is Giles Miskin, talking about ways to use the Insights Discovery tool to create better teams. You can find all our podcasts here and find out more about Giles’ work here


wristrestRegular readers will know how fascinated I am about the expansion of the workplace wellbeing conversation and how many factors impact an individual’s experience of their work and workplace (wherever that is). I am also intrigued by the spectrum of ergonomics topics still being discussed on social media. I keep seeing ‘What’s the best office chair?’ questions and, last week, I saw a post on LinkedIn about keyboard wristrests. Is that something that still needs discussion? Haven’t we moved on yet? Or maybe I should still be blogging about the same topics we were exploring 30 years ago! Am I missing out by ignoring the more basic subjects? Do tell me what you think!



I know this is a REALLY boring subject but it’s also very important! Over the last few months, we have been doing a lot of work to formalise and systemise our procedures so that they can be aligned to various national and international standards. In December, we gained Cyber Essentials and at the end of February, Cyber Essentials Plus certification. We have also just completed a comprehensive Framework Review to benchmark how close that alignment is to further standards. Watch this space for further announcements


events4Last month, I mentioned the significant events I am attending over the next few weeks so this month I thought I would mention a few of the one-day and half-day opportunities. Some of these will have already passed by the time you read this but it gives you a flavour of the variety that is available (both free and chargeable). You will find me (or you’ve already missed me!) at
14.03.24 – Embracing Change: Navigating the New Expectations of Employee Experience, Bristol
21.03.24 – Smart Work Network at Leesman, London: The Current State of Workplace Experience
27.03.24 – Sensory Processing, Cognitive Well-Being and Neuro-Inclusion in the Workplace, London.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin February 2024

February 18, 2024

This article was originally emailed as issue 171 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 14/02/2024. You can register here to receive them monthly.



We have now transmitted four podcasts, have two more ready for March and April and two more planned. We have had many name suggestions and, although some of them have been very clever, nothing has been ‘right’ – so the Amazon voucher has still not been awarded. I think I need to be clearer about what I am seeking!

Most of the suggestions have been historic references to what Osmond Ergonomics has done over the last 30+ years. However, the podcast is a personal venture and the conversations are about the broader wellbeing and EDI issues that fascinate me. As a result, I need a name for its future direction, rather than the past. To help you, here are some topics we have covered in the first six episodes: digital healthcare transformation – AI analysis of health issues – disability and labels – holistic approaches to disability support – corporate risk appetite – wellbeing vs. P & L – risk literacy – change management – culture, vision & values – inadequate leadership training – Gen Z entitlement (or not?) – team building – understanding character types – working effectively with people you don’t like – and choosing a career path that makes you happy.

Does that help? Send me your suggestion(s) here and that Amazon gift card could soon be yours! Find the podcasts and platform choices here.



What a disappointment. The event had reduced in size by half since last year and the number of exhibitors and attendees likewise. I had hoped to catch up with some existing suppliers and explore new relationships or, at least, have some interesting conversations. I did have a couple of those but the most productive discussion was with a Brit I could have met in London! Even my 3D printing expectations were thwarted.

Next year, I’ll study the exhibitor list carefully before booking a hotel or flight … and there’s no blog this year!


Calendar,Appointment,Memo,Schedule,Diary,ConceptThe conference & exhibition season has now started and there are several excellent UK events in the next few months. Our own Oxford event for HR and real estate professionals may well be booked up by now but here are the places you will also find me:
IIRSM’s Neurodiversity – the New Frontier in Workplace Ergonomics in London
Workplace Design Show in London (on 28.02.24 only),
Health & Wellbeing @ Work at the NEC (both days),
Workplace Trends Research Summit in London,
CIEHF Conference in Kennilworth and
The Workplace Event at the NEC.
That should give me some material for future eBulletins and blogs!



At a time when so many employers are asking for more data on which to base their workplace decisions, I have been surprised that so few organisations review the success of their office moves and refurbishments effectively. We have been collaborating with Dr Nigel Oseland to offer this service and I recently attended his one-day masterclass so that I fully understand the process. His new book, A Practical Guide to Post-Occupancy Evaluation, is a straightforward handbook about the whole topic.


Neurodiversity,And,Neurodivergent,As,Autism,Spectrum,Disorder,Or,Dyslexia,AdhdOur programme of training sessions for our own team is progressively encompassing all the characteristics we need to be aware of to ensure a comprehensive approach to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, both within the company and when dealing with clients. The awareness subjects addressed so far have been Vision Impairment with Dan Williams, Autism with Dr Aishah Shadi and Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Dysgraphia with Kirsty Heap. In March, we shall be learning about Dyspraxia, ADHD and Tourette Syndrome.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin January 2024

January 10, 2024

This article was originally emailed as issue 170 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 10/01/2024. You can register here to receive them monthly.



We are delighted to announce the full programme for our free one-day event at Worcester College, Oxford on Tuesday March 5th, 2024. Aimed at Estates, Facilities, HR, Wellbeing and Health & Safety managers, it will appeal whether you are involved in strategy or operations. Our three key speakers (Andy LakeNigel Oseland and Rosie Russell) are all thought leaders with proven reputations and highly regarded published works. Our venue, the Linbury Suite is an elegant, bright, airy facility, superbly located in the grounds of Worcester College in the centre of Oxford. We have a great programme, excellent food, a chance to walk around the lake at lunchtime and, of course, our trademark takeaway – a goodie bag to die for! See the whole agenda and register here. Did I mention that it’s free?



How time flies! With our January episode, we have already shared 3 podcasts. The latest instalment features Matthew Trigg of Human Applications and, amongst other fascinating observations, explores the question ‘Should DSE be part of EDI?’ Check out the podcast for any acronyms you don’t know. As I write this, we are about to explore Change Management with Christopher Allen for Episode 4. And we still don’t have a series title for the whole thing! To suggest one, send your idea(s) to podcast@guyosmond.co.uk and, if you don’t use Spotify or you want to start the series from scratch, look here.


beyond_hybridWhen it comes to workplace design, ‘discussions have often been of a simplistic and binary nature: which place is better for working – home or office? A somewhat banal consensus seems to be emerging…’. So says Andy Lake in his latest book, Beyond Hybrid Working – A Smarter & Transformational Approach to Flexible Working. This significant volume is designed as an engaging and practical management book that outlines his thinking, alongside several illustrative case studies. You can get a free copy at the end of the day if you attend our Oxford event (it’s part of that fabulous goodie bag) or, if you can’t wait, you can buy it here using discount code EFL04.



We are all bombarded by interruptions and distractions. We like to blame email, social media, phones and other electronic devices but disturbances can just as easily come from work colleagues stopping by our desk or the dog barking at the front door. In researching our planned podcast with Christopher Allen, I read this article and picked up his recommendation for Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. If you want to be less distracted – or lose weight – or give up smoking – or get a grip on your life, it’s worth getting a copy of this book. Find it here – OK, you can also get it on Amazon (if you must).


stockholm_2024For about the last decade, I have flitted to Stockholm for a day or two at the start of the year. This is not because I want to go somewhere colder where you can’t ski. It’s because this event is one of the most interesting in Europe, particularly in terms of sustainability and, increasingly, the displays of new 3D-printed concepts and products. Regular readers will know that the evolution of additive manufacture (3D printing) is a particular interest of mine. My report will be published as a blog in time for next month’s eBulletin.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin December 2023

December 13, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 169 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 13/12/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



As we approach the end of the calendar year, we are delighted to celebrate 14 years of the eBulletin. During that time, we have delivered 168 monthly newsletters – and only a handful have been ‘not quite’ on time! An anniversary is a time to reflect and, with the arrival of readily-available AI tools, I have been pondering on the march of technology, especially in the last twelve months. The question I keep exploring is ‘How much online content is still written by humans?’. You can rest assured that ALL of ours is, but we are using ChatGPT and Google Bard as research tools for articles and experimenting with other AI tools like automatic meeting minutes. I have even been playing with a voice cloning app that creates audio of ‘my voice’ from typed text. Does that mean that future podcasts will also be created without humans? Or maybe they already are! That’s amazing and frightening in equal measure.



We are planning a significant free event in Oxford on Tuesday March 5th, 2024. Save the date if you are a professional involved in facilities, estates, HR, wellbeing, equity, diversity or inclusion. The venue is the fabulous Linbury Building at Worcester College, in the heart of Oxford. Opposite the bus station and less than 10 minutes’ walk from the railway station, Linbury sits in 26 acres of gardens. The agenda will match the setting, with Rosie Russell and Dr Nigel Oseland already on the programme. Full details will follow early in the New Year.


smart_working3If you are formalising your hybrid/smart working programme, reviewing it, honing it or at a loss about what to do next, you need the Smart Working Handbook. First published in 2011, the new 3rd edition was released at the beginning of this month and I was delighted to attend the London launch by Andy Lake, its author. Full of practical, structured information and guidance, it includes case studies from organisations as diverse as GCHQ and Airbnb. Find out more and download your free copy here.



I’m really pleased with feedback from the first episode of my new podcast. Monthly instalments are released at 6:30am on the first Monday of each month and December’s (number 2) is now available. Dan Williams of Visualise Training & Consultancy provided us with an entertaining and heart-felt discussion about disability, doing the right thing and whether labelling individuals is more of a hindrance than a help. Find out more and select your listening platform here.


Woman,Shopping,Online,At,Christmas,With,Credit,Card,And,SmartAs always, we shall be closed for the Christmas and New Year period. The last order date for confirmed 2023 delivery of stock items is Monday December 18th. We shall close at noon on Friday December 22nd, reopening at 09:00 on Tuesday January 2nd, 2024. Along with the whole team, I would like to thank you for your continued business and support through 2023. Watch out for exciting news early in 2024!

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin November 2023

November 20, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 168 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 08/11/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



My podcast has finally arrived and the first episode is now available on Spotify, Audible and Apple. You can select your platform here. New instalments will be available from 6:30am on the first Monday of each month and you can follow/subscribe to be notified as they drop. The overarching theme is inclusive wellbeing and we shall be inviting guests from a broad range of backgrounds to discuss physical, mental, emotional and design issues in the workplace. A key factor will be that we shall also broaden the conversation out beyond the workplace to explore the value of our knowledge and experience in the wider community. As the heading infers, we do not yet have a permanent title and we are seeking your suggestions, with an Amazon voucher if we use your idea. This page also provides details of how to submit your proposal(s).



I have been exploring this concept with growing interest recently. Initially, I was curious about opportunities for the new installation at our sister company MSA Manufacturing. However, with increasing knowledge, it is clear that there is plenty of scope to create brand new products from recycled waste. You may already know that the finished article starts out as a hopper full of pellets that are then heated, but you may not know that this raw material may be post-consumer or post-industrial waste – or even wood-based. Back in February, I mentioned 3D printing in the context of circular design and now I can see it has real potential. Email me if you would like to know more.


Happy,Schoolboy,Using,Digital,Tablet,During,Lesson,In,Classroom,AtLast month, we were blogging about Supporting the Ageing Workforce so it is appropriate to follow that with a discussion about ergonomics for children, especially those in education. Although we are not commercially active in the education sector, as a father, grandfather and former school governor, I am agitated by the lack of awareness about children’s posture when using portable electronic devices. In the use of laptops, tablets, smartphones and hand-held gaming devices, all sorts of terrible postures are adopted. These are bad at any time in our life but especially bad for young bodies that are still growing and developing. Read more here.



Regular readers will know how much I enjoy the WT conferences and the October event was better than ever. Apart from the obvious (and enormous) benefit of interacting with people face-to-face (and enjoying great catering), The Office as a Desired Destination provided a platform for a diverse array of latest thinking. This time, regular topic updates such as the circular economy and designing inviting offices were joined by fascinating insights into designing for neurodiversity and living with ADHD. I have already booked for the next Research Summit in April 2024!


Diversity,And,Inclusion.,Business,Employment,Leadership.,People,SilhouettesAlthough DSE-related training is still our bread and butter business, the enquiries we receive and services we provide are now covering a broad spectrum of inclusive wellbeing topics. We are working towards a structured portfolio of assessment, awareness and support training which will be launched early in 2024. In the meantime, contact Stuart Entwistle, our Training Manager, about all Equality, Diversity & Inclusion topics. If we don’t already have an answer or a partner we can introduce, we will definitely be able to redirect you to an excellent provider.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin October 2023

October 16, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 167 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 11/10/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



Our guide for DSE users has been through many iterations in its 25+ years of existence. When it first appeared, everyone was using CRT monitors and we were training people not to put their screen on top of their CPU cabinet. There were no flat screens, no sit-stand desks, no mini keyboards and people could still remember ‘portable’ computers that were mains powered and weighed 13kg. For our latest version, we have opted for a landscape format so that we can introduce dual monitor use for the first time. It contains advice for all three types of dual screen configuration (one dominant monitor, equal use monitors and laptop plus extension monitor). As always, it’s available completely free to download from the resources section of our website. If you want to licence the content for your own corporate branded version or some other application, contact the Customer Service team.



There has been a slight change of ‘wrapper’ for the new podcasts and the format will now be my own personal offering rather than under the Osmond Ergonomics brand. This will give me licence to explore a wider range of topics over time. We have now recorded our first two podcasts and the third will be completed during October. The first episode will be released at 6:30am on Monday November 6th, 2023 and, thereafter, monthly on the first Monday of the month. Follow or Link with me on LinkedIn to make sure you’re kept informed.


amazon_100in view of the format change, we are extending the search for a podcast title and the £100 Amazon voucher is still on offer if we use your suggestion. Ideally, we are hoping that people will listen to some of the early episodes to get ideas for the name but you may just have a clever pun or pithy title that you want to send in now. Once our first episode drops, there will be space to register ideas on the podcast web page. In the meantime, just drop me an email.



With all the other issues facing employers at the moment, the needs of ageing personnel may have slipped down the agenda. However, as retirement ages rise and people work into their 70s, these matters cannot be overlooked. Our latest blog looks at some of the statistics relevant to this topic and then suggests an array of good practice activities to tackle ageism, including good workplace design practices for a multigenerational workforce.


Top,View,Hands,Of,A,Little,Child,Arranging,Color,PuzzleFollowing the success of our in-house Vision Awareness Training with Dan Williams of Visualise, our staff awareness topic for October was Autism. Passionate specialist, Dr Aishah Shadi, took us through two half-day interactive workshops and engaged the whole team in some animated discussion about the nature, misconceptions and realities of autism from both her clinical and personal experience. If you want to know more about team training or individual workplace needs assessments, please contact the Customer Service team.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin September 2023

September 18, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 166 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 13/09/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



For neurodivergent workers, loud and brightly lit offices can cause sensory overload, anxiety and fatigue, so it’s essential to consider approaches such as providing adjustable workspaces, quiet zones and flexible working so they can perform at their best. Creating working environments where people can thrive, maximising productivity and preserving health and wellbeing, is the purpose of ergonomics and human factors. However, for decades the focus has been on physical comfort and safety, and more latterly mental wellbeing too. [Read the rest of this article in Safety Management magazine.



We are hearing a lot about the DWP Access to Work scheme at the moment and most of what we are hearing is about processing times and waiting lists for assessment. We have worked in and around the scheme for over 30 years and we don’t believe anyone with a disability should have to wait weeks (or months) to address their needs. If you or a colleague want an assessment within days and a report soon after, with recommended actions and a single point of contact, talk to us about an alternative solution. Just schedule a 15 minute virtual meeting to find out more.


Cropped,Image,Of,Businessman,Giving,Online,Survey,On,Laptop,AtMany thanks to all the legitimate participants in the survey we announced last month. It’s fair to say that the survey was a learning experience, but not in the way I hoped! It seems that announcing an ‘Amazon Gift Voucher’ offer will guarantee a deluge of responses from fake gmail addresses with non-existent phone numbers and, inevitably, unusable responses. It took a little while with some clever tools to remove the 2,000+ fakes but we managed to do so and the winner was Margaret Hanson of WorksOut.


Home,Studio,Podcast,Interior.,Microphone,,Laptop,And,On,Air,LampFrom the genuine survey data we did receive, we are sure we need to do podcasts. Expect a monthly session of about 45 minutes. There will be three regulars – a moderator, myself and an established physio/ ergonomist/ researcher (i.e. someone with proper qualifications!) – and a monthly guest. The topic will be selected by the guest under a broad heading of inclusive wellbeing. The one thing that’s missing is a podcast title. If you have any ideas, please email them to us. If we use yours, there will be an unnamed prize that will be identical to something referred to in a paragraph above!


3d_print3D printing may prove to be a key contributor to circular furniture design and manufacture. You may recall that I referred to this back in February after my visit to the Stockholm Furniture Fair. In addition to the strong evidence of progress in Scandinavia, the Netherlands is also emerging as a leader in this field. This is probably driven, at least in part, by the Dutch government’s requirement for circular design and manufacture in all public sector furniture procurement. Here is an example of a workplace sofa with a 3D-printed frame and 95% recycled materials

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin August 2023

August 14, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 165 of our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 09/08/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



Google has just offered employees ‘a special deal’ at their campus hotel to ‘make it easier for Googlers to transition to the hybrid workplace’, President Biden is urging federal workers to return to the office and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has just reported that homeworkers work, on average, 2.5 hours less per day than office workers. In the USA, at least, it seems that the productivity claims for homeworking are now being challenged.

Of course, this could just be a case of what’s making the headlines this month and the reverse will be highlighted in the next few weeks! In the UK, it’s not long since we were laughing at Jacob Rees-Mogg and his ‘sorry I missed you’ notes to civil servants when many of us knew that government departments had been running very successful smart working programmes since long before Covid. Equally, does it really matter how many hours you work if you get all your work done? Maybe homeworkers work less hours because they just get through things more efficiently.

In the UK, it seems that many SMEs have returned to the office fully, but the view of larger European employers is still strongly supportive of the hybrid working model, even if they are still working at getting it right! There is no doubt in my mind that all-in or all-out is not the ideal solution for the vast majority of organisations and a balance can be found. It just needs care – and probably time. Neil Usher’s recent article provides a good insight into key considerations in workplace design.



Do you remember when the only distractions from the work we were doing were phone calls or a colleague stopping by our desk? Now we are constantly bombarded by digital communications – like this one! We have been doing further research into the lead topic from last month’s eBulletin and thinking about ways to address the issue. Set aside some time to read our latest blog which explores the background and possible solutions, as well as providing access to Cal Newport’s book – Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.


Man,And,Woman,Podcasters,In,White,Shirts,Play,Video,GamesOur regular monthly webinars continue. The latest upcoming topics can always be found on this page and you can find previous webinar recordings here. We are also continuing our internal discussions about the future of these two communication styles and exploring formats for possible podcasts in the future. In the meantime, our Webinars & Podcasts survey is still open (for a few more days) so please take a couple of minutes to give us your views on the two formats and you could win a £100 Amazon gift voucher.

ISO 9001/14001 AUDIT

iso_auditIt’s an irony that our previous quality auditor gave us poor and inconsistent service! However, that’s now history and we are very pleased to have moved to NQA. Our first audit with the new assessor took place at the end of July and I am delighted to confirm that feedback was all positive. Our commitment to these standards is central to how we operate and they provide a structure for continuous improvement processes.

Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin July 2023

July 19, 2023

This article was originally emailed as issue 164 of our monthly eBulletin at 9:30 on 19/07/2023. You can register here to receive them monthly.



Are the low-friction communications tools, like email, Teams and Slack, actually reducing our productivity? How often do you get to the end of a workday and think ‘All I’ve really done today is answer emails’? Author and computer science professor, Calvin Newport, argues that our almost-constant interaction with these tools distracts us so much from concentrated, deep thought that we may actually be losing the ability to think deeply at all. Newport says that, to learn hard things quickly, we need to focus intensely without distraction but that’s a skill that seems to be on the decline. Find out more from this podcast or join our discussion on LinkedIn.



We are reviewing our communications and considering the introduction of a monthly podcast. Recently, the growth of industry and commercial podcasts has been conspicuous and the abundance of these, alongside webinars, ensures a constant stream of online information, entertainment and education. Somewhat late to the party, I have become a podcast enthusiast myself since the start of the year and I am curious about your preferences. Please take a few minutes to give us your views in this short survey before 11.08.23. We shall be presenting a £100 Amazon voucher to one lucky participant..


I,Don't,Understand.In the meantime, our webinar programme continues from a slightly different angle this month. Whilst we recognise the overall hybrid working trend since the Covid pandemic, the conversation about the pros and cons of office and homeworking continues to be complex, with widely dispersed individual experiences. This month, we have taken one element of the debate to highlight. It is based on my presentation at Clerkenwell Design Week and I look forward to exploring it further. Information and registration can be found here.



The CIEHF (Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors) has just launched a new infographic about Good Work Design. It lays out a three-phase, human-centric approach to the design of work for people to both enjoy and thrive. It is available as either a single, scrollable document for onscreen use or, if you want to print it, a 2-page A4 pdf. You can find both on this page. There was also a webinar about it earlier this month, the recording of which can be found on this page.


Austin,,,Texas,,,Usa,-,February,1st,2021:,PorscheAs with all our business activities, our company vehicle policy is to reduce our carbon impact at every opportunity and, in particular, with each replacement. This is not the place to debate the environmental value of electric cars vs. petrol / diesel / hydrogen / etc. but my personal move away from Tesla driving has made me acutely aware of the fractured nature of UK charging infrastructure for other marques. In just three months’ ownership, I have accumulated 14 apps to accommodate the various charging companies I have encountered! If you’re an EV driver, what is your experience? I would love to hear.