Osmond Ergonomics eBulletin August 2018

August 10, 2018

This article was originally emailed as our monthly eBulletin at 11:30 on 08/08/2018. You can register here to receive them monthly.


Lifespan‘Active Desk’ is the term generally attributed to office desks integrated with either a treadmill unit or some sort of cycle device. In the past, I have been quite disparaging about these products and described them as a Step Too Far!

When they first appeared I thought the sales approach was too gimmicky with no clear message. It was also apparent that quality was inconsistent and that many manufacturers, especially from China, seemed to be jumping on the ‘sit less’ bandwagon. There was little concern about how the products would be used or what benefits they might offer.

Whilst I continue to be unimpressed about the cycle devices, I have recently made an about turn in my thinking about treadmill units linked to desks, but such a radical piece of rethinking clearly needs further explanation. [more]


web_site2We are making changes and enhancements to ergonomics.co.uk on a daily basis. Feedback has been good about the new design but we are really interested in ideas to make it easier to use or more informative. Last month we asked you to take just a few minutes to complete our feedback questionnaire. We really value your time so all contributors have the chance to win a £200 Red Letter Day voucher. If you have not already done so, please participate here.


roadshow6We are now in the final stages of this year’s roadshow with only Bristol and Glasgow remaining. Each two day event starts with a free Product Showcase on the first day. This is effectively a mobile showroom with all the latest products alongside established bestsellers. On the second day, we run two half day training courses which provide valuable knowledge and hands-on experience, principally for Health & Safety Managers, Occupational Health personnel and DSE assessors. View the diary here or contact the Customer Service team to see if you are eligible for a discount – or even a free session!


ergoexpo2I shall be back in Las Vegas this month for my eleventh visit to the National Ergonomics Conference & ErgoExpo. Although I have no empathy with the city – or many of its ‘attractions’ – it is a great conference and a fascinating opportunity to compare and contrast North American thinking with the European approach. There are also some fabulous restaurants! If you are attending, please let me know by email or through LinkedIn if you want to meet up. Of course, I shall be reflecting on the experience when I return and a blog will follow in the comparatively near future.


pregnantMany customers ask us for advice to address the needs of pregnant workers. Apart from help with legislative obligations, they also need to know about products to assist with posture and comfort issues. Over the years, we have identified a shortlist of proven solutions to address individual needs. Our established Pregnancy Pack has existed for several years and has just been refreshed. We have checked and updated the guidance alongside a review and amendments to the product suggestions. You can download your free copy here.


summer_playlistAnd finally, a little summer fun. We asked our team to select their favourite summer tunes to enjoy in this sweltering heat. I had to remove a few choices because the vocabulary did not seem appropriate and, to be honest, I stole the idea from a local car dealership email but we hope you enjoy the finished selection! For convenience, we have created this playlist on Spotify. If you are not already a Spotify subscriber, the link will invite you to register for a free account.