Quick Tips for Sit-Stand Desk Users

Stop & Think before you Sit & Stand

Stop & Think before you Sit & Stand – click for a downloadable pdf

We have been working with employers to identify behaviour change issues and training requirements related to the use of sit-stand desks in the office. Needs vary from organisation to organisation and this often depends as much on corporate culture as on physical workplace issues.

One common theme has been the need for a ‘quick tips’ list. Those of us embedded in these activities every day sometimes forget that the ‘blindingly obvious’ (to us) may not even be visible to the majority! The document therefore has to be something with a handful of ideas that are easily implemented and make sense to everyone, rather than just the ergonomics/health & safety team members.

The result is a one page, ‘6 ideas’ list that is deliberately simple. For a longer, more detailed list, see one of my previous blogs.

Customer responses to the document have been good but, as always, I welcome comments.

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